Saturday, August 1, 2009

starting my frist blog

i'm 41 years old, I live in chicago. I have a 14 month old darling daughter. i'm a single mom. but this was not my choice. I always envisioned, like any little girl, young woman, that I would meet a fabulous man, fall in love, get married and have a house full of little ones. but have you been out there in the dating world? it's not good. t he pickings are SLIM. nothing but garbage. i kept hoping, waiting that whatever current relationship I was in, would work out, but alas, none of my relationsihps ever worked out. so, at age 38, I made the tough decision to choose donor sperm, go to a fertility doctore and get inseminated. In sept, 07, I became pregnant, and in may, 2008, my daughter was born. she was born to me, her mother who can't possibly love her anymore, i love her so much that I think I may explode at times. the one drawback? my little girl doesn't have a daddy. she's only 14 months right now, she doen'st realize it, but soon, she will be more cogniznt of that void. it weighs very heavy on my heart. for this reason, i am starting this blog, to use as a sort of therapy for me.